viernes, noviembre 16, 2012

Claudie Haignere * France

21 October 2001

We talked to Claudi Haigneré on the afternoon before her launch. She was calm, confident and just a little excited about returning to space. "It's a fine, clear day here at Baikonur and preparations are just about complete. The crew of Soyuz TM 33 are ready to go. Shortly, we'll be going off to spend a little time with our families - there will be no chance of that tomorrow."
There are still a few pre-flight rituals to take care of: nothing to do with the constant checking and re-checking on which every successful space mission depends. Manned spacecraft have launched from Baikonur for more than 40 years - more than enough time to build some real traditions. Nobody would call Russia's cosmonauts - or Europe's astronauts - superstitious people. But there are certain, ah, customs that everyone respects.
Soyuz transfer to launch pad
Transfer of Soyuz to launch pad
"Most of them go back to the time of Yuri Gagarin. The night before any flight, the crew always sits together to watch a film. Not just any film: it has to be "White Sun of the Desert". It's a romantic thriller, set in the Caucausus: nothing to do with space. [Ed. note: 1971]
The next morning, before you leave your room, you have to sign your name on the door. Then we have a minute's silence together, to reflect. Then a very small glass of champagne, to toast the success of the mission."
Claudie Haignere (andre-Deshays)

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在太空工作时间最长的欧洲女宇航员:艾涅尔 2001年10月31日7时58分,艾涅尔乘坐“联盟-32”号飞船的返回座舱,在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上安全着陆。自1961年苏联宇航员加加林乘宇宙飞船进入太空以来,越来越多的人开始实现太空遨游之梦。但令人遗憾的是,其中女子寥若晨星,而能够连续3次进入太空且在著名的“和平”号及国际空间站工作过的,更是屈指可数。克洛迪-艾涅尔就是这样一位幸运儿,这位法国女性凭借着自身不懈的努力,成为法国乃至欧洲在太空工作时间最长的女性。

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