sábado, septiembre 26, 2009

Pele / Brazil / South America

Pelé 23 / Oct / 1940–,
Brazilian soccer (football) player.

Edson Arantes do Nascimento

His real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento. Perhaps the greatest player in the history of soccer, Pelé began playing at the age of 5 and joined the Santos team at 16.

Playing inside left forward, he led his team to numerous championships and the Brazilian national team to world championships in 1958, 1962, and 1970.
He held every scoring record in Brazil, and in international matches he scored an average of one goal per game. His playing style was marked by superb ball control and great tactical ability. In 1971 he retired from the Brazilian national team but continued to play with Santos.
He retired (1974) from the Santos team and played in the United States with the New York Cosmos (1975–77). He scored 1,281 goals during his career. Pelé became Brazil's minister of sports in 1995, serving until 1998.

The First 100 phrases

Coming soon!
How to become bilingual with 100 phrases
To manage a foreign language is very easy, more than many people thinks.

Pronto vas a conocer la manera más rápida de iniciarte en el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero -

Te diremos cómo crear tu propio vocabulario - Si se te hace difícil o eres muy chico, te facilitaremos el acceso a nuestro Centro de Recursos para que simplemente copies, con ayuda de tu profesor o de tu papá o tu mamá, y vayas creando tu selección personal de las frases más frecuentes y comunes para dominar el idioma inglés -

Este sencillo sistema te servirá también para convertirte, no solo en una persona bilingüe, sino en multilingüe.Te invitamos para que estés pendiente de nuestra sección de avisos -

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